Last Beautiful days of Summer break...

Well! I've really been enjoying my vaca from school (hence the no blog postings lately..Sorry!) and i'm really bummed to have to go back on Monday. I've been enjoying my horse-time every day and NOT having to study! Oh well, it'll all be over in about 8 months...yeay! :-)

Here's a few pictures of our "shinanigans" over the last few weeks...

That's right...I'M REALLY HOLDING MY OWN FISH!!! but Damon was so kind as to take it off the hook for me! ;-) And please notice that Dan's fish is MUCH smaller than mine! (Actually, Damon and Greg told me how to hold my fish to make it look bigger in the's really about the same size as Dan's it just looks much bigger :-) Ha! Anyway, hope everyone is having a great summer thus far, Adio's for now!


Kaitlyn said…
That is funny! I didn't even notice that Dan had a fish! Way to catch the big one Em.

Sarah M said…
haha! I love the "NOTICE Dan's is smaller"!!

I didn't even know you liked to fish? I cut myself with a gutting knife when I was four, and have been traumatized for life. ;0)

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