10 Strange/Random/Weird things about me...

OK, I know that I'm weird, but I think it DEFINITELY runs in the family! :) She's just as goofy as me! Even my best friends are strange! Sorry Sarah! Couldn't resist! :) OK, so Sarah Mast tagged me in one of her blogs and now I have to list 10 random or strange things about me. Well if you know me well enough, you know that I'm just WEIRD/RANDOM period. Oh well, I'll do it anyways! :) This is for you Sarah! 1. I don't like watermelon or pickles. Which I know are American classics and it's weird, but I can't STAND the texture of them! Therefore, no go. 2. I HATE clowns. They terrify me. 3. I'm scared to death of chickens and think they only should be allowed to live to be able to eat them later. ( I was attacked multiple times as a kid by chickens, ask my sister!) 4. I LOVE to go hunting and shoot blue rock. I can't shoot anything besides birds though cause there's no way I could shoot Bambi. 5. I also love smoking cigars. Swisher sweets ar...