10 Strange/Random/Weird things about me...

Even my best friends are strange! Sorry Sarah! Couldn't resist! :)
OK, so Sarah Mast tagged me in one of her blogs and now I have to list 10 random or strange things about me. Well if you know me well enough, you know that I'm just WEIRD/RANDOM period. Oh well, I'll do it anyways! :) This is for you Sarah!
1. I don't like watermelon or pickles. Which I know are American classics and it's weird, but I can't STAND the texture of them! Therefore, no go.
2. I HATE clowns. They terrify me.
3. I'm scared to death of chickens and think they only should be allowed to live to be able to eat them later. ( I was attacked multiple times as a kid by chickens, ask my sister!)
4. I LOVE to go hunting and shoot blue rock. I can't shoot anything besides birds though cause there's no way I could shoot Bambi.
5. I also love smoking cigars. Swisher sweets are the BEST. I really only like to smoke them when i'm hunting or riding horses.
6. I enjoy studying because I like to learn new things. I know, that's really weird. (I read about 1000 words a minute though so reading doesn't take me very long, therefore I enjoy it.)
7. I'm a HUGE World War II history buff. Grandpa Moser was in WWII and now that i've started researching about it, I can't stop! (Especially the Battle of the Bulge, and the Maas Silent.)
8. I have to take 1 but usually 2 showers a day. I really am a freak about germs! Alyssa, you know you're starting to wear off on me don't you?
9. I broke three of my little toes when I was in grade school pretending I was a ninja and I chop-kicked one of my friends in the knee. She laughed and I fell to the ground screaming. Nothing happened to her knee but three of my toes were gonners.
10. The way I picked my favorite football team a long time ago was because I liked the colors (they were pretty) and they had a horse on their logo. Bronco's anyone??
OK, I know there's many more things that I do that are strange, but those are a few that I don't think everyone knows about me. :) I don't really know anyone that has a blog besides Sarah though so I'm not going to send tag anyone with this. Maybe later....Hope you enjoyed Sarah! :)
PS-that is by far the most unflattering picture of me, ever!