My first Blog...
I guess saying Hicksville isn't really ALL that true. We really live in a village surrounded by rolling hills of farmland and it's actually quite peaceful. We have a little Cape-cod style house with a large backyard and peonie bushes up front. We've lived in our house for about 2 years and have remodeled it from top to bottom. (we're working on finishing the basement right now!) We tore out the ceilings, floors, walls, EVERYTHING and started all over again. It took us a little over 6 months to finish the upstairs and it consisted of grueling hours and endless evenings. The work would have never gotten done without the help of our parents and friends. We are now blessed with a fabulous house and continue working on it all the time. (I'll upload photos from the renovation later...)
Dan is a computer genious who's true forte' is helping people work through problems on their PC's and fixing all the problems I create on our own computer. :) He loves his job and enjoys tinkering around the house and remodeling furniture. He also enjoys playing with the boys and running with Milo on the treadmill. Trust me, it's quite the sight!
I enjoy burning my candle at both ends. Just kidding, but it's really what I seem to do best. Not only do I go to school full time, I work at an animal clinic three days a week, train three Holsteiner horses for a man, have my OWN two horses to ride during the week, go to bible study, scrapbook, make jewelry, paint, and do photography. (this is really just the tip of the iceburg.) My life seems to go at a hundred miles a minute but I don't know what I'd do if it ever slowed down...maybe scrapbook more?? OK, I think that's about all for now... Auf Wiedersehen!