Mama + Wife + Horse Enthusiast + Creative Maker + World Traveler
The Chicken Dance
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We competed in Saylor's 2nd Costume class, and she won the hearts of the judges and the 1st place trophy as a #chickfila #chicken. Absolutely the BEST time.
So! I know it's been FOREVER since i've blogged and my apologies! :) Dan and I have been house-sitting a ranch (Still Waters Ranch) and were watching around 35 horses, 2 dogs and a bunch of cats...needless to say we were a bit busy! We started the day of my last final of school and just got done last night and i've just not had the time to blog or show any pictures until today. We had a great time and everything ran smoothly other than a few minor glitches like naughty horses and automatic waters that deceided to over run! :) Anyway, it's nice to get back home and get back into the swing of things. I just took on a few more clients and i'm working with their horses now in additon to the Hudson's horses. I'm going to be working with a horse named Tumnus to help him learn how to jump...he's a WONDERFUL little guy and I like to call him "tum-tum" :) I'm also still riding a jumping horse for a girl who had to have surgery and hasn't...
Well! I've really been enjoying my vaca from school (hence the no blog postings lately..Sorry!) and i'm really bummed to have to go back on Monday. I've been enjoying my horse-time every day and NOT having to study! Oh well, it'll all be over in about 8 months... yeay ! :-) Here's a few pictures of our " shinanigans " over the last few weeks... That's right...I'M REALLY HOLDING MY OWN FISH!!! but Damon was so kind as to take it off the hook for me! ;-) And please notice that Dan's fish is MUCH smaller than mine! (Actually, Damon and Greg told me how to hold my fish to make it look bigger in the's really about the same size as Dan's it just looks much bigger :-) Ha! Anyway, hope everyone is having a great summer thus far, Adio's for now!
OK, I know that I'm weird, but I think it DEFINITELY runs in the family! :) She's just as goofy as me! Even my best friends are strange! Sorry Sarah! Couldn't resist! :) OK, so Sarah Mast tagged me in one of her blogs and now I have to list 10 random or strange things about me. Well if you know me well enough, you know that I'm just WEIRD/RANDOM period. Oh well, I'll do it anyways! :) This is for you Sarah! 1. I don't like watermelon or pickles. Which I know are American classics and it's weird, but I can't STAND the texture of them! Therefore, no go. 2. I HATE clowns. They terrify me. 3. I'm scared to death of chickens and think they only should be allowed to live to be able to eat them later. ( I was attacked multiple times as a kid by chickens, ask my sister!) 4. I LOVE to go hunting and shoot blue rock. I can't shoot anything besides birds though cause there's no way I could shoot Bambi. 5. I also love smoking cigars. Swisher sweets ar...