after mom and i
galavanted around Jersey, we met up with the boys (
dan, dad and grandpa
moser) for the 7
th Armored Division Reunion in Philly. IT WAS AMAZING as always. the warriors and heroes that make up the men of the 7
th are quite incredible indeed. The purple hearts that litter the room with them in it would blow you away and the stories they share would knock your socks off. always the highlight of my whole's pretty hard to top. enjoy!!

dan being
dan :)

the war heroes....
philadelphia skyline...


yeah!! the top of the stairs!! (and yes, they were winded :)

were the Declaration of Independence and Constitution were both!!

the beautiful liberty bell....and the 2 guys on the right who fought to make sure it stayed here.

do i even have to caption this picture??? i didn't think so.

i literally walked in the footsteps of greatness. way neat.

for those of you who don't know, the liberty bell is inscripted with BIBLE references!! that's right!! Leviticus!!! awesome!!!