FINALLY getting back to the blog 2 weeks later!
So! I know it's been FOREVER since i've blogged and my apologies! :) Dan and I have been house-sitting a ranch (Still Waters Ranch) and were watching around 35 horses, 2 dogs and a bunch of cats...needless to say we were a bit busy! We started the day of my last final of school and just got done last night and i've just not had the time to blog or show any pictures until today. We had a great time and everything ran smoothly other than a few minor glitches like naughty horses and automatic waters that deceided to over run! :) Anyway, it's nice to get back home and get back into the swing of things. I just took on a few more clients and i'm working with their horses now in additon to the Hudson's horses. I'm going to be working with a horse named Tumnus to help him learn how to jump...he's a WONDERFUL little guy and I like to call him "tum-tum" :) I'm also still riding a jumping horse for a girl who had to have surgery and hasn't...