Spook Time.
Oke, i know it's been FOREVER since i've posted but clinicals and school and work are KINDA kickin' me in the rear. So sorry about that! :-) Now in case you don't know, October is one of my favorite months of the year. I LOVE fall and the start of cold weather, the changing leaves, and most of all....SPOOK TIME! Dan and i are going to be going to the Roca Haunted Farm in Roca sometime in the next week and i can't wait!!! We've been so busy that we haven't been able to go yet this year and i've been looking forward to it! (dan isn't particularily fond of it due to the broken eardrums he receives and the constant jumping etc.,. by me :-) however, my start to the spook time mood was making a new wreath for our front door and decking the boys out in their "halloween costumes". They are QUITE adorable if i do say so myself!! Here are their pictures and a picture of my wreath...enjoy! Happy start of FALL!!