
Us at a Saltdog's Baseball Game...We LOVE going to their games!!!

Well! It's been a HECTIC last 6 weeks!!! I'm in my 6th week of clinicals right now and i'm getting REALLY tired of school and busy-work in general. I feel like the only thing I do anymore is schoolwork, Dr.'s cards, busy-work, and real work. My life basically consists of a hospital, working with horses, and the animal clinic! Dan and I are really looking forward to Nashville and a nice 5 day vacation away from everything. Only 3 weeks away....

Here are some pics from our LifeGroup at church on one of our "fun nights" Tim and Erin's family was wonderful to us and provided us with the entertainment of a boat and we had a great time at Branched Oak Lake...


Sarah M said…
hey busy lady!! I can't believe Karis is having twins!! When is her due date again?

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