First Week of Clinicals...

Alright everyone! I'm OFFICALLY in the hospitals now...yeay!!! (and also a big UGGHH!) I don't think i've been this tired in QUITE a long time. I don't know how these Dr.'s do it I really don't! Anyway, I have to turn in a "journal" entry to my instructor once a week about my "experience" in the O.R. over the past week. The following is what I've written and I think it'll give you a glimpse of my past week: (Note* I've changed names of the people and Dr.'s)
Jon-Instead of writing about each day seperately, i'm going to just write about my overall, general feelings and thoughts about our first week in the hospital.AMAZING!!!!This is the first word that discribes my emotions about this week. I don't think i've ever been this interested in something, EVER. I am incredulous at the O.R. staff and ecspecially the doctors. Everyone seems to work together SO efficiently...they work like a well-oiled machine together. The doctors however are in a league of their own. They actually seem quite inhuman to me...more like robots. Dr. Robot stood in the same place, not flinching or shifting weight for well over 3 hours while doing a cervical case. He also didn't blink for over 2-3 minutes at a time he was so concentrated. He was even more unmoving on his second case, a lumbar laminectomy. I don't think i've ever been quite that impressed. Their quiet resolve and stamina is incredible. (Please note that the Dr. didn't take more than a 5 minute break in between cases! He stood for about 8 hours without stopping!)The CST's and RN's are all quite impressive as well. The general feel that I get from the RN's is one of "i'm the boss of this room" but they are still quite helpful and the O.R. definitely wouldn't function without them. They are all very knowledgable about the procedures as well and if the CST's didn't have time to show me things, they ALL stepped up and showed me things and talked me through the procedure. Among my favorites are Nelly, Nancy and Ted. They all were invaluable my first week of watching/learning.The CST's on the other hand...well they are simply the BEST. I have yet to meet a nasty nelly and cannot believe how much they control the enviroment of the room. My two favorites by far are Jet and Cat. Cat was all smiles the minute i walked into the room (I could even tell with her face behind a mask!!) and didn't stop showing my instraments the whole case. I didn't really think a shoulder scope would be that exciting but Cat made it to be! She also was a QUEEN of asepsis and i didn't catch a single break from her the whole case.INCREDIBLE!!!! (My second word of description)On Wednesday I was definitely SCARED. I was suddenly going to be on my own and i was quite worried/nauseated walking in to O.R. #8. However, my mood was very quickly changed and the day turned out to be the best one since i've started the program. Watching Jet on Wed. is what made me realize with 100% certainty that i REALLY want to be CST. He was perfect! He lightened the mood of the doctors, was extremely efficient and above all made sure that I knew EXACTLY what was going on the entire day through every procedure. When he told me to scrub in on the L. Lumbar Laminectomy and told me not to argue or else, I really got nervous. Then I thought about what you (Jon) are always telling us, "The best way to learn is to practice" and that "perfect practice makes perfect." Well, Jet was practicing perfect and I thought that there was no better person to watch/help than him and i decided to take your advice... I practiced! Dr. Robot was amazing and Dan (his P.A.) was one of the nicest people I've ever met. He let me look in the microscope, joked around with me and overall they together explained the whole procedure. I certainly don't remember the sequence of the procedures or even all of the the instraments used on this case but there is one thing i will NEVER forget: their kindness and generous sharing of their knowledge with me. They treated me like a human being and didn't sit me in the corner to peer over their shoulders and not see a thing. They were INCREDIBLE. I am now completely interested in Neuro and I think it's all thanks to 4 very special people. (Dr. Robot, Dan, Jet and Dee) I hope you'll let me work with them as much as possible!! :-) Em B.~

Well, this was my first week!!! I've only got 9 more to go!! :-) Adios for now!