
Showing posts from December, 2009

Jewelry Making...

Well i don't think i've blogged about this before but i started making jewelry a while ago and just today picked up some fabulous finds that i HAD to come home and make into necklaces. :) thought i'd share some of the outcomes.... (thanks sarah mast for coming and helping! :)

Messy Kitchen...

So i have ONE exception to my non-messy kitchen rule: CHRISTMAS COOKIES!!! :) they are the only thing that i allow to TOTALLY dirty up my kitchen..and i love it! :) here's my sugar cookies and some yummy quiche i made for our snow day today....we got over a foot of snow yesterday!! :)

Christmas Card 2009

well i'm offically a horrible blogger. But here our Christmas card and letter that will hopefully catch you up on all the things i haven't blogged in the last few months. :) Merry Christmas! While Dan is working on house projects right now, I decided it was time to write our Christmas letter and we can’t believe it’s already been a year since our last one! Time sure does seem to fly. This year was full of blessings and we are thankful for such a wonderful last 12 months. For all of our family and friends that don’t live in Nebraska and might not now what our last year has been like, I will try to give you a “nutshell” of our adventures.  In January, Dan and I went skiing with my parents, Alyssa, my uncle Greg and aunt Kolleen and cousin Taylor in Colorado. It was a wonderful trip and definitely one of our favorite New Years to date. We welcomed in the new year at Copper Ski Resort with music, dancing, fireworks and cheer in single digit weather and enjoyed every minute ...