Well, that is CERTAINLY not a word that seems to ever fit into my vocabulary, let alone my life. However, I really am going to make an effort at enacting this word into my daily life. Why you might ask? Well Dan and I are studying a book for our Bible Study and it's called "the Life You've Always Wanted" by John Ortberg. My favorite chapter so far is the chapter we are going over this week and it's about having an Undivided Life...a simplictic heart. Having simplicity at heart according to Clifford Williams is: "The motives we appear to have are the ones we REALLY DO have. Our inner focus is unified and our public posture corresponds with it. We are not, in short, divided." The bible is clear on this subject and i feel that my life is not very aligned to this calling. I feel most of the time that i am like a monkey in a banana tree constantly jumping up and down....it's rarely still or quiet. (Henri Nouwen) I WANT a heart of simplicity! I want...